Trees for members

Each year, Trentham Landcare collects seeds locally, where possible, or purchases them through seed banks. These are sent to the Tree Project where they are distributed to volunteer growers to be raised to seedling stage.

We then collect the grown seedlings and distribute up to 100 indigenous tree, shrub or grass species to interested Landcare Members, for revegetation and biodiversity projects on properties in the Trentham district.

Species include Swamp gum (Eucalyptus ovata), Snow gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora), Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon), River Bottlebrush (Melaleuca paludicola), Common Cassinia (Cassinia aculeata), and Large-leaf bush-pea (Pultenaea daphnoides) to name a few.

The Tree Project is a not for profit, volunteer run organisation which has been providing low cost tree, shrub and native grass seedlings to appropriate projects since 1989. The Tree Project requires that plant species must be indigenous to the locality in which they will be eventually planted.

Seedlings from our 2019 order

Seedlings from our 2019 order

Distribution of plants in 2020

Distribution of plants in 2020


Enders Bridge Revegetation


Silver Banksias