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AGM & Pollinator Corridors, Pathways to Greater Biodiversity

Our Annual General Meeting will be followed by a talk by Upper Campaspe Landcare Network’s John Walter on pollinator corridors. John writes “While the story begins with our baseline insect surveys across our landscape, we will also discuss our plans for, and the benefits of, improving habitat for insects. Members will see a selection of species photographed in the field as well as actual pinned specimens, and be able to collect their own personal copy of our new publication on the Insects of Central Victoria. We will talk about our new seed bank and how Trentham Landcare can make use of it for group projects or for individual members looking to bring greater plant diversity to their gardens or shelterbelts.” Image below of Imperial Jezebel by John Walter

June 25

Pre-hiberation working bee!

October 22

Residents for Riparian Rehab working bee